Sunday 15 July 2012

Box and Dragonfly.

 Following on from a comment on yesterday's picture, I have added a similar box to the one shown in the previous photo.  This is one that I made some time ago.  It has little 'feet' made of coiled up and decorated fabric, but you can't see them in this view of the box.
I have started stitching the reeds and the dragonflies in the stamped piece, but there is a long way to go. I decided in the end to stitch the stems of the reeds on the machine, but to hand stitch the fluffy tops. The wings of the dragonflies are outlined in silver which doesn't show up in the photo. I'm not sure whether to add tiny beads for the eyes, or just work Colonial knots in a shiny thread. So far so good!


dorothypandorasbox said...
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dorothypandorasbox said...

Love the box Sue. remonds me... I have a couple of boxes to finish!
The dragonfly piece is looking greta too, have fun with the stitching

mycamerandme365 said...

Thanks Dorothy. I'll look forward to seeing your finished boxes!