Tuesday 31 January 2017

Mostly Disappointing.

 I untied the bundles of vegetation today, not really expecting very much, as I knew that to get good leaf prints the bundles have to be tied up tightly, and mine weren't. I didn't quite know how to tie them tightly with crackly dry leaves inside. This above already had the yellow splodges on it from wrapping some purple hibiscus flowers, but the orange marks are from the dried mistletoe leaves. Not a good red as I had hoped unfortunately.
 These next ones are more interesting, made from wrapped slightly green Eucalypt leaves. They weren't crispy dried leaves (see previous post) but still green and slightly pliable. They had been picked green and not stored already dry as most of the other leaves had been.
 I decided to do my usual play with a simple inversion in Photoshop, and now we have a stormy sky or even a storm at sea. I love it!

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