Monday 10 April 2017

Further Lotus Work.

 My first sewing step on this small panel was to satin stitch around the lotus petals and the mid green elements.  The dark green was already behind everything, so didn't need any more work on it.
 Next came the stamens, all various shades of yellow and orange with the lighter pollen tips on each one. The original photo showed a huge tangle of stamens, but to avoid creating a dense mat for the sewing machine to stitch through, I needed to reduce the number of stamens quite a bit.  After all, this is not trying to faithfully reproduce the original photo, although it's quite close to it!
Enough stamens I think, now to choose some beads to sew in place for the seeds on top of the central column. This apparently becomes quite hot at times, as it actually generates heat. The smell is pretty awful unfortunately, rather like a menthol rub.

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